There are now over 1,000 UK u3a Groups with in excess of 400,000 individual members. Strolls. Burgess Hill U3A play Bridge at Cyprus Hall - Burgess Hill on Monday afternoons and Friday mornings. Burgess Hill. The Windmill by Louise Pemberton – Hailsham Photographic Society Sweeps off Peter Partridge Burgess Hill U3A Photographic Peter Partridge Burgess Hill U3A Photographic Search. About 4 miles. Museum Burgess Hill Museum. Please choose where to send your message: Chairman Membership Secretariat Treasurer Enter your own name and e-mail address: Your name? Your e-mail? U3A member? Yes No Enter your message or query: Page text last edited: 01/02/2020. Log In. 3 stiles. pdf has not been found on this site. Burgess Hill. Wednesday – Speaker – Jane. Notice: The U3A Site Builder is to be replaced shortly by new web-authoring software based on Wordpress - please see SiteWorks for further information. Burgess Hill Town Council · June 24 at 12:32 AM ·Welcome to Burgess Hill u3a new Facebook page. Kids Burgess Hill Youth Website. Venue Triangle Leisure Centre Time Most Tuesdays (check with Jill) More Group Pages; 50s-70s Music: Art For All: Bird Watching: Book Circle: Boules/Petanque:Burgess Hill. Burgess Hill Summer Fayre, St Johns Park Sunday 2 June saw our u3a set up stall in the park on a really hot summer’s day. Burgess Hill. We are a very friendly group and hope you can join us. Our early trips include visits to Henfield Levels, Cuckmere Haven and Woods Mill, which should provide us with a good and. . 00pm. Help Point Opening Hours: Mon, 9am to 5pm Tue, 10am to 5pm Wed, Thur, 9am to 5pm Fri: 9am to 4. We meet fortnightly for competitive but friendly games. Burgess Hill Summer Fayre, St Johns Park Sunday 2 June saw our u3a set up stall in the park on a really hot summers day. Welcome to the Burgess Hill Runners website. Author: Peter Mitchell Created Date: 4/20/2023 4:14:15 PM. Newspaper. There may be a limit on numbers in some groups so there could be a waiting list. Youth Organization. As a result of this. Some of you may remember the three way quizzes held pre covid. 30th Anniversary Fayre Saturday 12 August 11. Other meetings and events are held on various Tuesdays and Sundays including breakfast, brunch and drive and dine. More Group Pages; 50s-70s Music: Art For All: Bird Watching: Book Circle: Boules/Petanque: Bridge 1:Burgess Hill. 30pmThe next Burgess Hill u3a talk is about The History & Development of the Green Circle Network. . u3a Burgess Hill Monthly Talk by Peter Hill "A Tale of Two Cities - Tallinn and Venice" Wednesday 7th June 2023 in Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Doors open 09. At the moment we have no vacancies. January 12, 2023 - 4:08pm. Jil Wild Etsy. The policy details how personal information will be gathered, stored and managed in line with data protection principles andBurgess Hill. • Always act in the best interests of the u3a and never do anything to bring the u3a into disrepute. Coming soon to the Kiln. Already have a Family Tree but. September 8 and 22. Please use the buttons or tabs above to explore our site Summer Fayre on Saturday 12 August. For more information see:. Interest. Log In. 45 and talk from 10. Venue Age UK, Lamb House, Haywards Heath. 00. . Bakery. Facebook. Burgess Hill. More Group Pages; 50s-70s Music: Art For All: Bird Watching: Book Circle: Boules/Petanque:Burgess Hill u3a. Musician/band. Create new account. This page is designed to help our members to stay in touch, to post information about. See more of U3A Hurst, Hassocks and Ditchling on Facebook. Designed to try and keep us all in touch during these strange times. We learn from each other developing our skills and we also make simple Christmas decorations. Log In. Burgess Hill u3a. See more of Burgess Hill u3a on Facebook. Home address: 104b Mill Road Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 8BZ. Lots of visits included, British Aerospace Concorde exhibition, SS Great Britain, day trip to Bath, Steam Museum. uk. Some of you may remember the three way quizzes held pre covid. Gardening 1. Burgess Hill. Just book online via the link on the HHD website Events page or the national website. or. Adult kung fu;. Dates Jan 10, 17, 24, 31:Join Burgess Hill u3a for their talk at Cyprus Hall, Burgess Hill, on Thursday 2 March. 30-9PM Ed Goodall from the Woodland Trust will talk about their. Burgess Hill u3a. Crawley u3a Homes : Crawley u3a Walks : Trust Access : Trust Day Trips : Trust Holiday Travel : Trust Homes : Trust Online : Trust Outdoor Sports : Trust Risk Assessment FAQs : Trust Venues: Support for Members : Burgess Hill u3a: Apr 2023 : Crawley Older Peoples Directory 2023 : Crawley Wellbeing : East Grinstead u3a: Apr. Jan 9, 16, 23, 30. Please ring or email Chris or Rosie for more information. Burgess Hill. All reactions: 1. . It’s high time Burgess Hill won! Once the BH board have had the chance to fully discuss some of the issues, we’ll let you all know of specific changes. It aims to make our community a better and more caring place by providing practical help to housebound or isolated older people, people who are sick or disabled. Register of interests PDF 163 KB. National u3a Newsletter Are you receiving a copy of the national u3a newsletter each month? These report news from. Burgess Hill U3A: Groups Groups meet either in halls or members' homes, depending on the group size. You can also buy badminton equipment through Faststep. The Burgess. Monthly, 1st Sunday in month 12. Monthly, 3rd Sunday in month. At present our group is full. We will meet again,. If your photos include people do get their permission first. We will meet again,. Performance & Event Venue. 00-4. Mayor Janice Henwood is a BH u3a member and will be formally opening our Summer Fayre on Saturday 12 August. uk 96 Church Walk, Burgess Hill, RH15 9AS. If your photos include people do get their permission first. 45pm (except Bank Holidays) Dates. New members welcome, please contact to have a chat. Related Pages. . Admission charge £15 to include lunch. Burgess Hill u3a is starting up a new group, Walking Cricket, and will be very happy to hear fromLooking for a new hobby? Cyprus Hall is used by a number of local groups, including Burgess Hill Flower Club, Burgess Hill History Society, Royal British Legion Women's Section, Burgess Hill, Burgess. Radio station. Pic ‘n’ Mix. 134. So if you cannot find the group you want to join in EG U3A (and if you don’t want to start one yourself!) try looking at our neighbours in Horley, Reigate, Crawley, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill or Horsham instead. We are the Burgess Hill U3A Pètanque group. . Our group meet usually on the 1st Monday of the month and visit local places of interest to take photographs with extra indoor meetings from time to time to hold workshops and self critic our photographs. For groups meeting in member's homes it is up. 6 km 2) and a. . . Declarations at meetings. 15pm. We research our family history but have extended our studies to wider. 00. 00. Lourdes has become a major place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage and of miraculous healings. We hold competitions that are run for fun and judged by a committee and the membership. Recent topics have included Arsène Lupin, l’Élection présidentielle and La côte d’Azur. Bicycle Shop. 15pm. Burgess Hill Heritage and History Association. . The Booking Form to download is available now. . Charity Organization. 30pm. This page is designed to help our members to stay in touch, to post information about. The latest edition of Sussex Living has a superb section about East Grinstead u3a. Also, a selection of Classic. uk. Burgess Hill’s new pétanque rink was officially opened today (Tuesday, February 8) by Burgess Hill town mayor Anne Eves and Mid Sussex District Councillor John Belsey, cabinet member for environment and service delivery. We would welcome members of other groups to join with us on our garden outings. This page is designed to help our members to stay in touch, to post information about. Venue Members’ homes Time 2nd and 4th Tuesday in month 1. We have approximately thirty members, and there are five rinks available for play. Meetings are a mixture of outside trips, mostly arranged for a Monday, and monthly Zoom meetings, generally on Wednesday evenings at 7. 30pm. We practise Jade Mountain Tai Chi and Qi Gong moves all to gently help lower stress and anxiety, increase focus and improve balance and flexibility. 33 likes · 4 talking about this. Dates: July 7 and 21. Burgess Hill u3a. West Sussex Libraries. Political Organization. If you have followed a link from another page, please return to it in. Cherry Tree Centre Age UK West Sussex. See more of U3A Hurst, Hassocks and Ditchling on Facebook. Tuition given during play for beginners. . . We had a promotional stand at the MSOPC event held in the Main Hall at St Wilfrids. Performing Arts. Venue The Railway, Station Rd, Burgess Hill RH15 9DQ Time 3rd Friday of month 12. 26 likes. Government Organization. We meet fortnightly on Wednesday 2 till 4pm from February to November, at the new venue in Fairfield Recreation Ground, Burgess Hill. THE U3A NATIONALLY. 00-4. Contact. Please use the buttons or tabs above to explore our site Summer Fayre on Saturday 12 August. 00-4. Mah Jong. Myths and Folklore of the South Downs. This page is designed to help our members to stay in touch, to post information about. The centre is nice and clean, you need to remember water bottles as they have a water machine but don't provide cups. No previous experience is necessary and full tuition will be given to any new members, so. 00am to 4. . In the summer months, we often have a 2. “I am delighted to see un petit coin de la France come to. .